Research of vocational training

Research of vocational training

Anikó Fehérvári, PhD, habil


  1. Defining VET and its changing role and nature in view of the variety of historical, economic, social and political forces shaping its conception as well as its policy

Billett, S. (2011). Chapter One: Vocational Education: A field and sector of education. In Billet, S., Vocational education. Purposes, traditions and prospects. Spinger: Netherlands (pp. 1–20).

Cedefop (2017). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 1: conceptions of vocational education and training: an analytical framework. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 63.

Cedefop (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74. Section 3. pp. 17-27.

Tikly, L. (2013). Reconceptualizing TVET and development: a human capability and social justice approach In Ananiadou, K., Revisiting Global Trends in TVET: Reflections on Theory and Practice. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. pp. 1-39. Retrieved from


  1. Areas of VET research

Guile, D., & Unwin, L. (2019). Introduction to the Handbook: Vocational Education and Training (VET) Theory, Practice, and Policy for a Complex Field of Inquiry. In D. Guile & L. Unwin (Eds.), The Wiley Handbook of Vocational Education and Training, pp. 1–16. Retrieved from

Rauner, F. And Zhao, Z. (2014). TVET-Research: An Introduction. In Zhao, Z. and Rauner, F. (eds.), Areas of Vocational Education Research. Springer, pp. 1-15.

Rauner, R. and Maclean, F. (2008) Handbook of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Research, Springer. Section 3


  1. VET systems: models of provision (forms and pathways), anticipation of skills needs, planning and design of occupations and curricula, recognition of prior learning

Deissinger, Th. (2014). TVET System Research. In Zhao, Z. and Rauner, F. (eds.),  Areas of Vocational Education Research. Springer, pp. 91-108.

Fürstenau, B. Pilz,M. and Gonon,P. (2014) The Dual System of Vocational Education and Training in Germany – What Can Be Learnt About Education for (Other) Professions In. S. Billett et al. (eds.), International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. pp. 427-460.

Tripney, J.S., Hombrados, J.G. (2013). Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) for young people in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 5/(3) doi:10.1186/1877-6345-5-3

Westerhuis, A. (2011). The meaning of competence. In M. Brockmann, L. Clarke, & C. Winch (Eds.), Knowledge, skills and competence in the European labour market. What’s in a vocational qualification? (pp. 68–84). London: Routledge


  1. Learning and Teaching in VET: theories and models of VET pedagogy, work-based and adult learning

Billet, S. (2013). Learning through practice: beyond informal and towards a framework for learnin trough practice In Ananiadou, K., Revisiting Global Trends in TVET: Reflections on Theory and Practice. UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training. pp. 126- 162. Retrieved from

Cedefop (2015). Vocational pedagogies and benefits for learners: practices and challenges in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Cedefop research paper; No 47.

Fix, G.M., Ritzen, H.T.M., Pieters, J.M. et al. Effective curricula for at-risk students in vocational education: a study of teachers’ practice. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 11, 1 (2019) doi:10.1186/s40461-018-0076-5

Pahl, J-P. (2014). Vocational Education Research: Research on Vocational Pedagogy, Vocational Discipline and Vocational Didactics In Zhao, Z. and Rauner, F. (eds.), Areas of Vocational Education Research. Springer, pp. 17-44.

Tynjälä, P. (2008). Perspectives into learning at the workplace. Educational Research Review, 3(2), 130–154. 


  1. Students and adult learners in VET: trends in participation and related VET policies and measures

Bardach, L., Popper, V., Hochfellner, E. et al. Associations between vocational students’ perceptions of goal structures, mastery goals, and self-efficacy in five subjects—practical relevance as a potential mediator. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 11, 9 (2019) doi:10.1186/s40461-019-0084-0

Cedefop (2019). The changing nature and role of vocational education and training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a lifelong learning perspective: continuing VET concepts, providers and participants in Europe 1995-2015. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Cedefop research paper; No 74. Section 5. pp. 34-57.  

De Witte K, Cabus S, Thyssen G, Groot W, Van den Brink HM (2013) A critical review of the literature on school dropout. Educ Res Rev 10:13–28

Pfeffer FT (2015) Equality and quality in education. A comparative study of 19 countries. Soc Sci Res 51:350–368


  1. Teachers and Educators in VET: types, qualifications and professional development

Atkins, L., & Tummons, J. (2017). Professionalism in vocational education: international perspectives. Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 22(3), 355–369.

Grollmann, P. (2008). The Quality of Vocational Teachers: teacher education, institutional roles and professional reality. European Educational Research Journal, 7(4), 535.

Maxwell, B. In-service Initial Teacher Education in the Learning and Skills Sector in England: Integrating Course and Workplace Learning. Vocations and Learning 3, 185–202 (2010).

Misra, P. K. (2011). Vet teachers in Europe: Policies, practices and challenges. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 63(1), 27–45.


  1. VET outcomes: short-term and long-term labour market outcomes and other benefits

Andersen R, Van de Werfhorst HG (2010) Education and occupational status in 14 countries: the role of educational institutions and labour market coordination. Br J Sociol 61(2):336–355

Cedefop (2011). The benefits of vocational education and training. Research paper No 10. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. doi:10.2801/43027

Gesthuizen M, Solga H, Künster R (2010) Context matters: economic marginalization of low-educated workers in cross-national perspective. Eur Sociol Rev 27(2):264–280

Hanushek EA, Woessmann L, Zhang L (2017) General education, vocational education, and labor market outcomes over the lifecycle. J Hum Resour 52(1):48–87

Muja, A., Blommaert, L., Gesthuizen, M. et al. The role of different types of skills and signals in youth labor market integration. Empirical Res Voc Ed Train 11, 6 (2019) doi:10.1186/s40461-019-0081-3

Raffe D (2008) The concept of transition system. J Educ Work 21(4):277–296

Schultz, T.W. (1961. Investment in Human Capital. The American Economic Review (51) 1: 1-17.

Shavit Y, Müller W (eds) (1998) From school to work. A comparative study of educational qualifications and occupational destinations. Clarendon Press, Oxford




Legutóbbi frissítés: 2024. 01. 16. 11:10