Research in the field of institutional care

Institutional care, special needs education and inclusive education

Erzsébet Rákó, PhD


1. Exploring the social justification of integrated and inclusive education

Lauchlan F., Greig, S. (2015): Educational inclusion in England: origins, perspectives and current directions. Support for Learning Special Issue: Inclusive Education in International Contexts) 30/1: 69-82.

Atkinson A., Marlier E., Nolan B. (2004): Indicators and Targets for Social Inclusion in the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies 42(1): 47-75.

Tim Loreman, Joanne Deppeler és David Harvey (2016): Inclusive Education. Supporting Diversity in the Classroom. Routledge London and New York

Brahm Norwich (2013): Addresing Tensions and Dilemmas in Inclusive Education Routledge London and New York. 13-73.


2. Concepts of disability, theoretical interpretation of disability. Development of disability policy in Hungary and in the international arena. The phenomenon of disability in educational science, special pedagogies.

Dan Goodley (201): Disability Studies. An Interdisciplinary Introduction. 2nd edition. SAGE Publictions.

 Dinutris Anastasion, Clayton Keller (2017):Cross-national differences in special education coverage: An empirical analysis. In James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallahan, Paige Cullen Pullen (eds): Handbook of Special Education 2nd Edition Routledge London and New York 911-921.

Naomi P. Zsigmond, Amanda Kloo (2017): General and Speial Eduction Are (and Should Be) Different In James M. Kauffman, Daniel P. Hallahan, Paige Cullen Pullen (eds): Handbook of Special Education 2nd Edition Routledge London and New York 249-261


3.  Integrated education of children with disabilities, inclusion. Opportunities for the institutional care of children with disabilities.

Hornby G. (2015): Inclusive special education: development of a new theory for the education of children with special educational needs and disabilities. British Journal of Special Education 42: 234-256.

 P. Maslow, D. Ungerleider (2010): The efficacy of Educational Therapy Research Analysis. In Maxine Ficksman, Jane Utley Adelizzi (eds): The Clinical Practice of Educational Therapy. Routledge; 2 edition 311-328.


4.  Issues of social integration of young adults with disabilities

Johny R. Daniel, Noth Cooc (2018): Teachers’ Perceptions of Academic Intrinsic Motivation for Student with Disabilities In Journal of Special Education 52. 2. 101-111

Cornelia Schneider, Brenda Hattie (2016): Exploring the social lives of young adults with disabilities. In Alter vol. 10. 3. sz. 236-247.

Nathan J. Wilson, Hayden Jaques, Amanda Johnson and Michelle L. Brotherton From Social Exclusion to Supported Inclusion: Adults with Intellectual Disability Discuss Their Lived Experiences of a Structured Social Group Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 2017, 30, 847–858   15. 01. 2020.

Karen Witten, Octavia Calder-Dawe , Melody Smith , Robin Kearns , Lanuola Asiasiga , Judy Lin , Nicola Kayes and Suzanne Mavoa (2018):  Enabling participation for disabled young people: study protocol Penelope Carroll BMC Public Health (2018) 18:712    21.01. 2020.


5. The situation of children with socio-cultural disadvantages in society. Current issues of poverty and child poverty.

UNICEF Office of Research (2013). ‘Child Well-being in Rich Countries: A comparative overview’, Innocenti Report Card 11, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence.  21.01. 2020.

UNICEF Office of Research (2016). ‘Fairness for Children: A league table of inequality in child well-being in rich countries’, Innocenti Report Card 13, UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti, Florence. 21.01. 2020.

Chzhen, Y. (2014). Child poverty and material deprivation in the European Union during the Great Recession, Innocenti Working Paper No.2014-06, UNICEF Office of Research, Florence. 25.01. 2020.

 B. Cantillon, Y. Chzhen, S. Handa, B. Nolan (2017) (eds): Children of Austerity Impact of the Great Recession on Child Poverty in Rich Countries.  The United Nations Children’s Fund and Oxford University Press.

Alison Clark, Rosie Flewitt, Martyn Hammersley ,Martin Robb (2014) (eds): Understanding Research with Children and Young People. The Open -University-SAGE Los  Angeles, London.


 6. Childhood programs and institutional opportunities that mitigate socio-cultural disadvantages. Programs to reduce child poverty.

Nele McElvany, Roel Van Steensel, Karin Guill, Cathy Van Tuijl, Stephanie Herppich (2012): Family Literacy Programs in the Netherlands and in Germany. Policies, Current Programs and Evaluation Studies. IN Barbara H. Wask. (eds.)(2012): Handbook of  Family Literacy, Routlage, New York

Jeanne Morris Hines An overview of Head Start Program studies  Journal of Instructional Pedagogies  21.01. 2020.

James J. Heckman, Seong Hyeok Moon, Rodrigo Pinto, Peter A. Savelyev, Adam Yavitz(2010)_ The rate of Return to the High/Scope Perry Preschool Program J. Public Econ.. 2010 Feb 1; 94(1-2): 114–128. 21.01. 2020.

Cynthia S. Minkovitz, MD, MPP; Kay M. G. O’Neill, MSPH; Anne K. Duggan, ScD (2016): Home Visiting: A Service Strategy to Reduce Poverty and Mitigate Its Consequences.  Academic Pediatrics  16. április   25. 01. 2020.


7. The system of child welfare and child protection institutions and their role in social integration

Allen, D. (2015) Protecting the cultural identity of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children living in the public care system. In Greenfields, M., and Allen, D. ed. Todays Children Tomorrows Parents 41(1), pp 122- 139.

Petrie P.,  Boddy J.,  Cameron C.,  Wigfall V.,  Simon A. (2006): Working with children in Care: European Perspectives. London, Open University Press.

Rck Hood (2014): Complexity and Integrated Working in Children’s Services In  British Journal of Social Work  44, 27–43


8. Integrated education, inclusion: education of nationalities with special regard to Roma children.

Christine O’Hanlon  (2016):  The European Struggle to Educate and Include Roma People: A Critique of Differences in Policy and Practice in Western and Eastern EU Countries. Social Inclusion Volume 4, Issue 1, Pages 1-10

Solvor M. Lauritzen Tuva S. Nodeland (2018): What is the problem represented to Be? Two decades of research on Roma and education in Europe. In Educatonal Research Review 24. 148-169.  21.01. 2020.

Katalin Forray R., Andrea Óhidy (2019):  The situation of Roma women in Europe: Increasing success in education – Changing roles in family and society In Hungarian Educational  Research Journal Vol 9. 2.   10.02. 2020.


9. The situation of youth in society, youth subcultures. The system of youth institutions.

Soren Langager (2011): „If my friends are there, I’ll come, too..” Social Pedagogy, Youth Clubs and Social Inclusion Processes In Jacob Kornbeck, Resendal Jensen (eds) : Social Pedagogy for the Entire Lifespan Studies in Comparative Europäischer Hochschulverlag GmbH & Co. KG. 229-239.

 Heath, S., Walker, C. (Eds.)(2012): Innovation in Youth Research. Palgrave  Macmillan UK

Alison Clark, Rosie Flewitt, Martyn Hammersley ,Martin Robb (2014) (eds): Understanding Research with Children and Young People. The Open -University-SAGE Los  Angeles, London.

Márton Medgyesi (2019): The Situation of Young People in Europe During and After the Economic Crisis   10.02. 2020.



Last update: 2024. 01. 16. 11:14