FAQ - Student portfolios

1. Who has a portfolio?

Every student of the program, students in the doctoral degree procedure and students who have applied for the program have a portfolio.

2. What is the purpose of the portfolio?

The papers in relation with the program are collected here. These are uploaded by the students. The educators can download the submitted papers; furthermore, the studies of the students are also traceable in this way. Beside the papers, it is possible to upload other documents which they would like to share in relation with their academic work (curriculum vitae, publication, manuscripts, conferences etc.)

3. Where are the portfolios located?

The portfolios are located on the following website: www.nevtudphd.unideb.hu

4. How can students get identification and password?

Username and password can be demanded from the administrator of the website (Márton Hegedűs) through the following e-mail address: mhegedus@unideb.hu

5. How can the portfolio be edited?

Students can login to their own portfolio on the www.nevtudphd.unideb.hu website through students/student portfolios menus.

Username (usually without accents)


With the file manager system, the owner of the portfolio can upload, edit and delete documents (the proposed format is doc/pdf). It is IMPORTANT to use only the letters of the English alphabet in the name of the documents as the system cannot interpret the accents.

For those who have an own website where the own public documents are stored, it is enough to give the address of the website.

6. Where can I get further help?

If you have any questions, you can turn to me for help: markosvaleria.90@gmail.com

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Last update: 2023. 03. 26. 19:56